Soca Chronicles
Soca Chronicles
Celebrating the UK Soca Scene: An interview with Batch
The Soca Chronicles team is back with a brand new interview. This episode we visit the UK Soca Scene as we chat with Batch, the dynamic talent behind "Wine N Bruk". Join us as Batch shares his musical odyssey, exploring new genres and collaborating with fellow artists, revealing the creative sparks that keep the soca scene alive and thriving.
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Welcome to the Sokka Chronicles. Sokka Chronicles with Sharns and RKO.
Speaker 2:Welcome to the 39th episode of Sokka Chronicles, the podcast that brings you everything Sokka. I'm RKO and I'm digitally sitting next to the one and only Sharns.
Speaker 3:Yo-ho-ho-ho, yo-ho-ho-ho yo-ho-ho-ho, I think you're early, one month to be honest yeah, as I was saying it, I was thinking I should have saved that yo-yo-yo for next month but you know what?
Speaker 2:you can't take it back now exactly, you just have to redo it again next month there we go no, no no, I can't repeat it.
Speaker 3:I have to change it slightly, but yeah, I know what I'm gonna do next. I can't repeat it. I have to change it slightly, but yeah, I know what I'm going to do next month.
Speaker 2:All right, remember it. Remember you have to wait another month, but just hang on to it. Yeah yeah, what a start of the podcast. Anyway, this month we are going to have an interview.
Speaker 3:Again. It's been a long time it we last interview.
Speaker 2:Was it Robulus, I think.
Speaker 3:Robulus? Yeah, I think so.
Speaker 2:It's been a little moment, but we're back and we're back. We are back With some UK talent.
Speaker 3:Yes, sir, makes a change from us constantly going to Barabedas.
Speaker 2:Barabedas exactly, yeah, are we going to spoil the name already?
Speaker 3:Of course, because people see the title of the show. So exactly the brain. I always forget that, sorry about that.
Speaker 2:Anyway. We're gonna have an interview with batch living the bachelor life. Hey, yeah, big, big name in the uk scene. We're gonna talk about how he, you know, came up in the uk scene himself yeah, how he is more than just an artist.
Speaker 4:There's much more to it than just making a song.
Speaker 3:So, um, yeah, looking forward to that definitely, I feel obviously we're in the month of november and the end of november means one thing. What does it mean? Archaea santa.
Speaker 2:Arceo Sinterklaas.
Speaker 3:Yeah, definitely that. But what else does it mean, Arceo?
Speaker 2:The start of the Christmas season.
Speaker 3:Yeah, but what else does it mean, Arceo?
Speaker 2:It's Bajan independence.
Speaker 3:Hey, that's what. I was waiting for, it is Bajan independence on November 30th. Guys, it's 58 years of independence, yes, so I, of course, have made my annual independence mix, which will drop on the 30th. Don't know what time yet, maybe 9 am uk time, something like that. Who cares?
Speaker 2:but it's there, it's ready to be?
Speaker 3:yes, sorry, it's there. It's ready to be dropped? Okay, it's. It's got old school, beijing music, mid school and new school.
Speaker 2:So and I have to say it's not because I'm making this podcast with you, but your recent mixes. You have a dinner. It was a dinner. No, it wasn't dinner.
Speaker 3:You have a no, it was um vinci and it was bouillon.
Speaker 2:Yes, your Bouillon mix Is fire. Thank, you.
Speaker 3:Your Vinci mix Is epic, so I'm really looking forward To this Belgian mix man. Oh, it's too much pressure man Too much pressure?
Speaker 2:No, don't worry.
Speaker 3:I feel like I need to remake it.
Speaker 2:Why I want to make it all over again. Did you not have pressure For?
Speaker 1:the other one.
Speaker 3:Yeah no, you've put pressure on me now, rko.
Speaker 2:You'll be fine, and it's got to be perfect. Oh my God, don't be like me. You'll be fine, god, for Dormer Gosh, but yeah, check out the mix, guys.
Speaker 3:I feel like this episode should have been like a Beijing Independence special and we should have got like Lil Rick on this show, because, yeah, I'm going on like I'm best friends with Lil Rick and he's just accessible like that.
Speaker 2:I love it. It's the 29th today. I'm telling you. If you manage to talk him into an interview, I will remove this episode and I will Re-upload this new episode. I will do it.
Speaker 3:But bro, he's in the UK. He's performing on the 29th.
Speaker 2:Just make it happen.
Speaker 3:He's performing, just make it happen just, and I'm djing at the event, bro, so if I can, put a mic in his face, have an interview. I will put it in this episode I'll do that a little thing, but obviously it would uh, or we'd put it on the ig that sounds like that and we can for a sit down for a proper interview later yeah, we'll try. I'll see what I can do, bro Leave it with me.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I'm excited about that.
Speaker 3:Definitely Same, but I think we should get into this interview with Living the Bachelor Life.
Speaker 2:Yep, we are after the Christmas season, jesus. No, we didn't even start the Christmas season yet, or?
Speaker 4:some did, I guess.
Speaker 3:No, I was going to say we're after the carnival season, so there's not much going on in the life of the carnavalista.
Speaker 1:So you know, let's just get into this interview, let's go soca chronicles.
Speaker 2:We are back with another interview with this month. None other than badge welcome. Thank you for taking the time to talk with us welcome.
Speaker 3:How are you brother?
Speaker 6:thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you for having me um long overdue chance.
Speaker 3:You know it was meant to happen, because you know we're gonna fight match.
Speaker 6:Yeah, I apologize, but you know, life was my thing.
Speaker 3:I was supposed to be on here months ago so it was here now. Better late than never.
Speaker 2:Exactly, we're good. We're good Batch. For the people who don't know you, I know you're very active in the UK scene at least, but obviously the Soca scene is bigger than just the UK scene. I myself am from the Netherlands, so you know there's basically no scene in the Netherlands. So can you tell a bit about yourself please?
Speaker 6:Obviously, I'm an artist, a soccer artist, as we would say. Uk soccer artists are some equal it as well, because we're based here in the uk. I'm based in the uk. Um, well, I do. I do quite a lot of things. I try to to give the opportunities that wasn't given to me in my early beginnings to others. You know what I mean. I feel good doing it. I like to see people shine, as we would say let their light shine. There's not much platforms for that to happen, you know, and we at UK, uk, uk says we created that will. You know, like every time, the event, like some, sometimes, you know, the, the management team, used to be upset with me and used to be like, ah, every time you just want to find people and give and put them on to do performances yeah, it was built because of that.
Speaker 6:So even like it's turned and it look, it may look like, if it's like a party or what's happening, you know, like having a nice time here. It really is a space for us to like, bring talent to the people okay you know, I mean, and is an idea that derived from, I think you were there, shans remember um when, when super nitro had his birthday life yes, invited everyone and everyone come and do this.
Speaker 6:You know that's kind of part of part of the thought process behind it, kind of part of what has inspired it, also along the fact that I wanted to create a platform for young and upcoming or any any part of your career that you are. You don't need to, you know. You want a platform to come and express yourself. You know it was also to um put soccer artists on the stage with people in carnival costume, because most of the time you know the artists would make the music and they will sing it and it will go out into the airways and then you know they will do their stage shows and stuff like that. They build up to to the festival period and you know um, but the, the masqueraders, never really get that chance to be on the stage with the artists yeah, singing their favorite songs to them yeah, yeah, I mean
Speaker 6:that's like a little band launch. I'm looking like why can't we just have a event where you come in your costume and your favorite artists come and sing to you and you actually masquerade to that? That's cool. You know, I mean alive, not exactly the sound system, you know I mean and it worked. And you know, um, it became more of a community. Here we are today. I know I had to skip out a real plenty for me to community. Here we are today. I know it's hard to skip over that. There's plenty for me to say here we are today, but here we are today. You know what I mean and I've been enjoying it.
Speaker 6:I've been to meet a lot of talented people. I've met a lot of characters. I've met a lot of people who have a lot of good advice, a lot of people who have goodwill, a lot of people who love the genre and want, who love the genre and, yeah, be as big as it can be. You know, some people they don't lead with ego, just lead with a genuine want to see one another succeed, and big up to those people. There's some who do see success and they kind of stand off with it. But we all need to remember do see success and they kind of stand official. But we all need to remember soca music is unity. Of course, everyone there's nobody who has ever sung a soca, sang a calypso that the diaspora turned to them and say no, we don't want you here, we have everything you know, you're putting your work, you mean you have good content and we listen you know, we have segregation in in this genre.
Speaker 6:The genre is a many, many different. You know outlets pouring in that we all resonate with, no matter what island you're from. Once a song, song and good, you just resonate with that, you know I mean yeah this is true so you hear that behind it unity, true music.
Speaker 2:You know I mean, yeah, yeah, nice. So you, you've dropped a lot on us already, right? So you mentioned you're an artist. You have, you're part of something we actually on the the helm of something called uk's s um a lot of things going on. What part of? Because you're basically all over the scene doing whatever you can to make people grow or or organize events for people to dance to or whatever um. Which part do you enjoy most?
Speaker 6:um, throughout the time of uk's conception up until now, it has always have. And this, this is every single event, right? I mean, this could be an event with four people yeah, turn up just the DJs and all of us are just in the studio vibes in. Or this could be an event where everyone the general public, everyone, everyone, everyone as well there's always a specific moment. It doesn't. It doesn't usually present itself early and it does not present itself late. There's just a specific moment. I don't know, I don't know chance, I know you, you have your events as well. You know, sometimes there's just that moment in the event where you're just like, yeah, all things considered, yes, like I did this, look what I've done, look at the people, yeah, yeah it's like just it's just this moment where it's like the height of the real realization that listen, this is not easy oh
Speaker 6:gosh, we know as consistent, as we have been. It is not easy. There's nobody saying here, there's no help, there's no nothing. There's you who can learn. And I mean, like I did say before, they are the good ones within the community who will shout yeah and say like yo, check this out, show you a little pattern, share a little formatting, and those who do that you know, and the ones who don't, they just you know. I mean like it's not easy. But what I'm doing is, you know, and I mean it becomes something so, so popular that I couldn't just leave it for for soca only okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, like Fusoka only Okay.
Speaker 6:Yeah, like there's so many Talented people here, so many talented people everywhere, without an outlet. So it's like it's just that moment of realising that yo, we created this From nothing, just from desire.
Speaker 4:Yeah.
Speaker 6:And it's only unfortunate that you know all the adult stuff in in regards to preparing an event has to be part of it and say, hey, have fun here. You know I mean like it it would. It would have just been so much more fun than it already is. Like, definitely, yeah, an amazing experience. Just that one moment it just goes boom and you know that you've done something good.
Speaker 3:Definitely beautiful man, jesus yeah, I have a question. So obviously I've seen uk's s from the inception and I've seen how it's grown and obviously you've now got a team, you've got merchandise. Now I see you with the sexy batty riders that they yell and be wearing on stage and stuff, and I've seen how your events have grown.
Speaker 3:Obviously now you've got more of a following. So what would you say would be your goal for the future of uk's s? What do you see? Do you see, maybe like putting on a juve, or maybe bringing over like a big artist, like problem child or whatever? What is your goal, your end goal for uk's s, would you say I mean all the things that they just said.
Speaker 6:We will have them, yes, okay, no, um, we will have them, yes, um, but I would say um, when you see uk's up, it's because, um, the, the energy is up. We are we on that up wave, of course you know but there's times when uk is also down.
Speaker 6:You know, and you know it takes all of us to to build something. The people come to uk's that's don't only go to uk's, as they go to to every event they go to here. This is true like they love. They love the music and they love the culture yeah, I would say, as long as we continue to thrive, to hit the targets that we're looking. We're looking at that and and those. Those things are evolving but still not changing, with the fundamental thought behind it and that is to create a space where talent could express themselves, where people can feel safe to come and party with their friends and know that, hey, all of us are our community and we look out for each other exactly, yeah yeah, um, we always promote, you know, no bullying and, yeah, try to uplift each other in any way that we can.
Speaker 6:you know, the community, the ones who are within the group chats and so on and so forth, and it becomes such a thing where it kind of transcends group chats. You know, it's like people know who they've put for UKSS, is for UKSS and who's not.
Speaker 5:Of course.
Speaker 6:And I can guarantee you know, even if somebody today say you know what I don't like UKSS, UKSS has been good to them. You know what I don't like uk's s uk's has been good to them. You know, I mean, of course, exactly at some point in time and for whatever reason that they feel like you know it's not for them anymore.
Speaker 6:I always say, um, it's not by force. We do appreciate your time and the effort that you put into what we were doing and you know I mean, but we're still here and if you could build back their vibes? We build back the vibes and, like I said, when we're on the up wave running up, when we're done running down. But we just strive to continue creating that platform and bringing good entertainment just like understanding the, the music and understanding the way that things are.
Speaker 6:You know, I mean definitely the terrain is ever changing, so sometimes this might be up, then it will be, yeah, yeah, then there will be jab, and we did. And then sometimes they come with the releases for the carnival.
Speaker 6:So like it's your channel, that carnival coming up fast and steamy yes groovy and you know all the remixes and thing and all the, the, the rhythms exactly and then it's gonna just flow straight through the island. So you just understand the waves. Some sometimes just go with a song, sometimes go with you, go with what the people saying, you know, yeah, yeah, yeah. And, as well, give exposure to the Cezanne Trinidad artists in Trinidad. You know what I mean. There's a platform where we can shine a light on them as well.
Speaker 3:Nice, Yep 100%.
Speaker 2:I love that you do it with so much positivity. It's easy to just focus on. You know, seeing an event, seeing a cash flow even, or you know just something you need to do just to I don't know make a name for yourself, whatever.
Speaker 3:But you see it as much more I feel. So, uh, yeah, I can really respect that definitely, and I don't think um a lot of promoters have that same mindset. They're not doing it for unity or to give people a platform. It's all just about them making money, or whatever so I really do respect that. So, yeah, whenever I can help and support, you know I'm down to support the cause, you know when I'm in the uk.
Speaker 3:Same point, yeah definitely, and obviously you've got soca central now, which is a 100 soca fit right 100 soca there we go and the thing is, in the uk we actually don't have that many 100% soca fets.
Speaker 2:Whenever I'm in the uk, yeah, what do I ask every time in the uk? What do I ask you? Yeah, what do they play? Even if I know I go to a soca fet what do they? Play you always ask me oh yeah, maybe some afro beats, maybe some dance, and and I'm like, oh okay, well, just play Soca please.
Speaker 3:Yeah, so they always do. But obviously recently, like very recently, we've got the Love CWO events that are now 100% Soca, and we've got I think there's a new one, I can't remember, it's like Overproof Events. I think they've started to do 100 soca fest.
Speaker 3:So I think there is a market for it and I'm glad that you're providing that service for people, because obviously we don't have enough of them, because even rebel being one of the biggest soca fets out, there is not 100 soca. Same with dreamland jam juju they're not 100% Soca. So yeah, I think you're onto something.
Speaker 2:Yep.
Speaker 3:I definitely think you are, and I can see that Soca Central is actually growing, like each event that you do. I can see that it's growing more and more, so what is your? So I'm gonna ask what is your sort of plan for Soca Central?
Speaker 6:So Socaca central is 100 soca platform um in, in, in. In the inception of uk's s like early days, we we had um the privilege to work with doggy slaughter oh, yes, yes, he's one of the best entertainers I've ever seen live. I've had the privilege to see it so many times, over and over and over again, and it's never the same. It's never boring like when I tell you real talent, generational talent, transcending time talent, legendary talent yeah, definitely, is definitely band boy producer as well yeah, and he's.
Speaker 6:He's inspired the likes of DJ Bradshaw Bradshaw. Fortunately, he had a lot of very talented DJs around him. He had DJ Simply yeah. I think he's like the best mixologist I've ever heard play.
Speaker 6:That can't mix Anything. You know what I mean and he's really, really good at it. I think he come from the hip-hop background. Okay, to um to soak our music music because he's a legend in the. So in the chat misoka scene, you know, um and our voice talent very, very talented people. Bradshaw was around, so Bradshaw was able to be inspired by these people and that's why he's the DJ that he is today.
Speaker 6:Not not not saying that he's not an amazing talent, just being himself, because, um, I think a lot of people they tend to forget that, um, there's nothing new on the face that he heard right now in regards to music and talent. The face that you heard right now in regards to music and talent. Everyone has seen or learned or adapted something from somewhere. Yeah, I think that's one of the things that dj bradshaw does. That um really makes him stand up from the rest, because he would look at something and see the good parts of it definitely apply to himself definitely and you know, a wise person would think you know what if I could inspire that from that little piece that you took from me?
Speaker 6:that's what art is supposed to be supposed to inspire, you know? I mean, of course, yeah, so you know, I mean if you could inspire someone with what you've done to take it on, and you know, inspire someone else.
Speaker 2:Yeah, exactly, you know, I mean you've, you've basically paid, else exactly.
Speaker 6:You know I mean you, you basically paid your dues.
Speaker 2:You know I mean yeah, yeah, man, so just so much, yeah, yeah, there's so much layer chance yeah so much I think we should go to the musical layer then okay, you have any other questions before I?
Speaker 3:uh, no, no, no, I'm good, I'm good, I'm good Okay.
Speaker 6:Because I want to talk music. That question probably you know, because I kind of zoned out. Yeah. I'm just thinking about so many things. You know it's fine.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's a lot of knowledge and I love that man. I love that. Just keep it coming.
Speaker 3:So this is RKO's favorite part, because he loves to talk music, so I'm gonna let you take the lead here that's fine.
Speaker 2:So, as we have warned you, we have already come up with our top 3 best songs, because in the end, we do talk about music. So we will start from 3, go back to 1 on number 3 we have. I think it's one of your older songs. Hold on tight. How did that came to life?
Speaker 3:okay, um boy and make sure you answer the question this time.
Speaker 4:Batch, don't go off on the tangent off on a tangent and start telling me about DJ.
Speaker 3:DJ, what's his name over here? And Mrs.
Speaker 6:Mrs Stewart down the road, tell me about the song okay we're back.
Speaker 6:So, um, hold on tight, it was one inspired by relationship. Tight, um, it was one inspired by relationship, you know, I mean, there's one that was just a message to say like even though there's a lot of women out there, you know I mean um. My focus is you. You know what I mean Okay, okay. If you listen to the lyrics of this song, it's not telling that story where you know what I mean. Don't worry about everybody else. You know, what I mean. Hold on tight for the ride, you know.
Speaker 2:So it's close's a love song, then nice, I I I will say it's a very uh, it's catchy because yeah you know, I've obviously I've listened to it and like it can be stuck in my head for a number of days very catchy, it's just yeah, so that's. That's really cool. Um, Ma, I like this song. Was that in because I know the video? There's a lot of face masks. Was it in 2020 or 2019?.
Speaker 6:Yeah, it says they were easing up the lockdown.
Speaker 2:I look at it yeah.
Speaker 6:Okay, you know, we wanted to kind of show that we were compliant. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And as well we were, you know, trying to keep each other safe, because if it's really difficult times we were living in we lost a couple of ones, and you know we could easily be a transmitter. You know what I mean, like a pass it on, you know we could easily be a transmitter, you know. I mean like a yeah, pass it on.
Speaker 2:You know where all of us we may, we may, we may not be affected by it, but we all had elderly and and sickly families, exactly, and of course, yeah, yeah, yeah just try to like adhere to the these, the stipulations of covid 19 precautions well, I know I noticed that at least you had a personalized face mask, so it's not just any regular face mask, but your logo was on there as well.
Speaker 4:So it's just another call for advertising. I guess. So it's really well done, definitely.
Speaker 2:I think we should have a listen to it.
Speaker 3:I think we should too.
Speaker 2:All right.
Speaker 5:Bash with. Hold On Tight, just hold on tight. Get ready for the ride, ready for the ready for the ride. Don't let go now. Hold me tight, grip me up one time. Hold on tight, get ready for the ride, ready for the ready for the ride. Don't let go now. Hold me tight, grip me up one time. Intoxicated of your sweetness, just give it to me all night long, and I don't care who witness, we go be the talk of the town. Forget them. Other girl on the scene? None of them. Girls know this. Y'all eat. Put cover down. Now let me power down. Now let me power down. Just wine and roll your waist. Girl, go down, go down. Girl, go down With your rude and sexy waist, Just go down, go down. Girl, go down. Just wine and roll your waist. Girl, go down, go down, just go down. Go down. Girl, go down, just wine and roll your ways all right, that was hold on tight.
Speaker 2:Moving to our number two song, this is also your newest song that just released I think it is a london thug, jesus.
Speaker 3:Jesus, and I see the branding on the hat get up, get up, get up so tell us about that song.
Speaker 2:London Tug, so I mean it's not a love song, I can guess.
Speaker 6:You can say it's a love song, but you know what I mean. I rated it's not a love song About a crazy life. You know A crazy life, it's just a crazy life. I guess we could say it's about a beautiful woman who meet. Meet, you know a guy in a club in London.
Speaker 3:You know a London thug and she thought he was a in London, you know, oh, okay, a London thug and she thought he was a London thug, you know.
Speaker 5:Oh, okay.
Speaker 6:Later on, when she see the crazy lifestyle and she see the whole crazy lifestyle, she realized she was in love with a Trini bad man, you know.
Speaker 3:Oh you, you're that Trini bad man. Oh you, you're Trini bad man, yeah.
Speaker 6:I didn't say me. I didn't say me, I just said I said a Trini bad man, you know.
Speaker 3:Just check in, because we don't condone violence on this podcast.
Speaker 6:And if you listen to the song, you know the story will just like.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 6:The story line in the song will just give a little bit of insight. Not too much information. A little bit of insight about the crazy life you know.
Speaker 3:Can you relate to the song Batch? Maybe?
Speaker 5:Maybe not.
Speaker 2:No further questions, sir, you plead the fifth yeah no comment.
Speaker 5:I want my lawyer.
Speaker 3:Alright, no problem.
Speaker 6:It's a crazy vibes.
Speaker 3:Alright, nice, so should we have a listen?
Speaker 7:Let's go After a night out in London. She never know I was a Trini bad man. Roll chain and me snap back. They inna di fan. Bag Pussy. Inna back shot, beat it up. Whack, whack. Killa, be no bag. Get condoms out. She handbag Pussy. Get a rap chat nipple. Stand up like the anthem. Ac calling out the phantom like he inna landam, ring your pussy. Run come, skin it out. Turn around, cock back your ass like a handgun. Your womb come down, fuck like a monster. But you know me cute and me handsome, know from anytime you come wrong. Fancy like grandson. Pussy get slammed down, bang down. Why you wanna answer your Samsung Girl. You better shame with that content. Lie down. I wanna ram jam up inna. Your pum, pum Been a wrong turn, wrong, that is only wrong one. I wanna fuck you hard, hard. I wanna fuck you hard, hard, hard. Fuck you hard, hard. I wanna Fuck you hard, hard, hard. I wanna fuck you hard, hard hard.
Speaker 2:Turn around, turn around, turn around, turn around, turn around, turn around, turn around, turn around. That was London Thug. It's a bit different than I think, what I've heard from you so far right.
Speaker 4:Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
Speaker 6:Very different, very different.
Speaker 3:Definitely, it's not really so, guys, it's more yeah, that's um, um, if you know, if, if you identify with what zess is.
Speaker 6:Yeah, yeah, trinidad dancehall. Yeah yeah, yeah, the beats have a distinctive song soundeded. The lyrics are explicit. You know, and you know I don't usually represent myself In that type of way but, truth be told, I listen to a lot of dancehall.
Speaker 4:Okay.
Speaker 6:Ever since I was living in Trinidad, I listen to a lot of dancehall.
Speaker 4:I like dancehall music, so why not, since I was living in?
Speaker 6:Trinidad. I listened to a lot of Dancehall. I like Dancehall music, so why not?
Speaker 2:It shows your versatility.
Speaker 6:Some people are like I didn't expect a song like this from you. I really like it, but it's not me and okay, like the things that being said in the song is things that somebody wouldn't say, that they never thought of before, you know. I mean like it's just in a crude way yeah you know, some people might not say it's so crude, but there's a. There must be a point in time in somebody's life that they look at their suit in somebody and say to them hey, I wanna love you.
Speaker 5:Bad, bad, bad I wanna love you okay you know what I mean and get it and get that real love I someone.
Speaker 6:We're all human.
Speaker 5:You can take it as art accept it that it is yeah, yeah, you know exactly yeah, man, but it don't mean I'll stop doing so, car still doing so yeah, yeah, of course I wouldn't allow you to stop doing so car, because I have plenty more.
Speaker 3:That's the release and I'm gonna release a trinity.
Speaker 2:Bad as well, there's gonna be a trinity nice I'm just, you know, exploring, there you go to be honest we've had several people on this podcast who who were, like you, just exploring, like doing afro beats on the side, doing dance so yeah, this is true, I mean if the music is good, then why would you not do it?
Speaker 3:it makes sense definitely don't limit yourself exactly the world is your oyster the world is your oyster right, the big one. Let's move on to number one, and I'm going to chat Because this is my tune. Are you mad?
Speaker 4:Are you mad?
Speaker 6:So at number one.
Speaker 3:At number one. We have Wine and Brock, now this song Sorry, batch, this is like my favourite Song of yours, like hands down Favourite Song. I'm ready to To fling out that tea and and all of that, and you know I don't do that, but this song makes me wanna Do that you know what? I mean so talk to me about this song, like how did you come up with this song, what inspired it, etc. Etc.
Speaker 6:Talk to me please, um, like I say, you know you're out here living the bachelor life.
Speaker 5:You know living a bachelor life it's a crazy life.
Speaker 6:So if you listen to the lyrics of the song and I mean um, you know yes what I was saying and it's what you know. It's an expression of my thoughts, you know, fantasies you know you don't want to believe that. But yeah, the bachelor life is a crazy life, you know. I mean, it's a crazy life well, I can't relate, so I wouldn't know so you say you never live a little bachelorette life, you know, no, no, I've always been a good girl.
Speaker 3:Go to church on a Sunday. It's a good thing, your nose doesn't grow.
Speaker 7:When you lie.
Speaker 2:Jeez, you know what I mean.
Speaker 3:I've been a good girl, a church girl. I've got to church yeah. So, many lies. Rko, you're supposed to back me up.
Speaker 1:You're meant to be my best friend.
Speaker 5:Thank you, there we go.
Speaker 3:I think the whole rhythm, the whole rhythm Slaps.
Speaker 6:Should be told. I wasn't first meant to be on On that beat, so how did you get on it A couple weeks? Truth be told, I wasn't first meant to be on.
Speaker 3:That beat Really. So how did you get on it?
Speaker 6:A couple of weeks. It probably released like a week and I was like yo, where did this beat come from? And I called somebody that knew somebody and then they linked me up with the producer and the producer was like everybody's saying that you're, you're, you're, you're cold in it, so you want, you can jump in it, but realistically the rhythm close off you like, I mean, but only because I is me, you know, and I I'm not gonna lie, I did, I did like three different songs on it oh, for real, oh.
Speaker 6:Oh, wow, and I send them all to Super Nigro, his name comes up a lot in our podcast? Yes, it does. Nigro say Batch. I think you can do better than this man. I thought I was doing decent tracks, you know what I mean. I thought the one in particular was fire.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 6:Nigro came and humbled you yeah, yeah, yeah, let me not be stubborn. You know, tear out this brother, and I, literally, I was meant to be somewhere for a certain time.
Speaker 6:Yeah, and I was walking on the hill from my house and then and I was like yo, I'll fall back to the yard, that record recorder. What, what, what, what was I'm singing? Yeah, yeah, I got. I got there like proper late to where I was supposed to be because, like I literally string up the computer and the interface and everything and just freestyle, freestyle, the whole tune. Oh, nice, nice yeah yeah, yeah, you know I mean. So, yeah, man, um it was, it was, like I say bachelor life in it, so yeah fair enough.
Speaker 3:Well, yeah, man, but it seems like nitro was instrumental in making sure you put out a fire tune, and that tune did not miss. So I think it's time for us to have a listen.
Speaker 7:Let's do that. I'm livin' a bachelor life. Girl, do what I say when you ride it Wine and rock, wine and rock. Girl wine and rock off the thing. Girl, buck it up. Wine and rock. Wine and rock. Girl wine and rock off the thing. Girl buck it up. Wine and rock, wine and rock. Girl wine and rock off the thing. Buck it up. Climb on top it, ride and ride and ride and buck it up. Why, boy wassin' bout Harry Kane? When did y'all dem fit and able? Just climb on top, ride and ride and ride and rock off the table. Hot, yeah, ya'll got pedigree. They pun me timetable. Just climb on top, ride and ride and ride like us out a stable. One di ting. Now show me you can handle it. Ride and rock, ride and rock, ride and rock. Off di ting now. One di ting. Now show me you can handle it. Ride and rock, ride and rock, and listen to what I say Wine and rock, wine and rock.
Speaker 2:And listen to what I say Wine and rock wine and rock Y'all wine and rock off the ting. Y'all Buck it up. Wine and rock. Wine and rock Y'all wine and rock off the ting. Y'all Buck it up. Wine and rock. Wine and rock Y'all wine and rock off the ting. Buck it up, rock it up, ride one top. And that leaves us with one question remaining, which is Sian's favorite question.
Speaker 7:Sian's favorite question.
Speaker 2:Take it away, Sian.
Speaker 3:Mr Batch, living the bachelor life, bachelor, the gallim, the spatula, present, present, present, right. So we asked this question To everybody who comes on the podcast, and now it's your turn, and I'm intrigued to know what your Answer to it will be. So if you were stuck In a studio With any soaker artist, dead or alive, who would it be and why? And when I say stuck in the studio, I mean you're not able to leave for some reason. Maybe the door's broken, or there's a tornado outside, or there's a blizzard outside, or there's a volcano outside or traumatic, or there's a there's a hurricane or a storm there's something outside that's stopping you from leaving that studio.
Speaker 3:So you're stuck in the studio with one folk artist, dead or alive. Who would it be, and why?
Speaker 4:that laugh oh boy, oh boy, oh boy.
Speaker 6:You gotta lock me up with Destra.
Speaker 3:Destra. We've not had Destra before.
Speaker 5:No, it's not a bad choice either Damn okay.
Speaker 3:Okay, why?
Speaker 6:I'm not staying locked up in no studio with no man.
Speaker 2:Oh, for goodness sake you know which is only one batch.
Speaker 3:Let's not do this.
Speaker 2:You can only pick one there have been fights in the past over choosing multiple. You cannot choose multiple.
Speaker 3:It has to be one, and you're going with Destra. So why did you choose Destra over Patrice, over Nyla, over?
Speaker 4:Faith.
Speaker 3:Kalenda over Nessa Preppy? Why did you choose Destra over all of those, over Alice and Heinz? Why Destra? I'm intrigued.
Speaker 6:Destra, that'm intrigued, destra.
Speaker 3:That doesn't answer my what is it with you? And not answering my questions.
Speaker 4:I don't understand.
Speaker 2:That's not an answer. But by not answering the question, he's actually answering the question.
Speaker 6:The answer for the question is Destra, but that is not an answer.
Speaker 2:For me. It is to be honest.
Speaker 3:You're supposed to back me up, not him, okay, thank you.
Speaker 6:Destra.
Speaker 1:Oh, for goodness sake.
Speaker 5:No, I mean, I mean like Destra.
Speaker 3:Don't you dare say Destra again. I will cut this podcast right now, try me man try me because I'm not about violence, so I've got to do something else. Lucy is okay, I can say Lucy that's a good one cut time out. The podcast is done now. I'm done. I've retired. Find a new co-host. I'm done, bye.
Speaker 6:Don't leave, Don't leave. I will try to elaborate past the point of when you think about how to describe Destra. It's like Destra.
Speaker 4:You know what?
Speaker 6:I mean Like Like Anybody supposed to know why Destra Destra has a beautiful voice.
Speaker 3:Okay, we're making progress, alright.
Speaker 6:I would say you know.
Speaker 3:She has a beautiful voice.
Speaker 6:For all the families out there. Destra has a very beautiful voice and she's an excellent performer. We're making progress, I feel like I could learn a lot from being locked in a studio with Pestra.
Speaker 3:That was much better.
Speaker 5:See, that wasn't hard.
Speaker 6:Yeah yeah, I mean yeah for the families out there. Yeah, I mean yeah for the families out there.
Speaker 3:Oh, for goodness sake, I just realised what you said.
Speaker 5:That went over my head, it did it came back, and then I caught it again.
Speaker 2:For the second time around.
Speaker 5:Jah, jah.
Speaker 6:I think she can, you know, guide me. You know beautiful, beautiful, beautiful music love it, I love it I am so sick of you.
Speaker 3:I'm so sick of you.
Speaker 2:There's honest answers, you know, and it's clear, very very 13.
Speaker 3:We're good oh my goodness, I cannot believe it took me that long to even realize this is what I'm telling you. I'm a church girl, I just go to church. I don't know what accent that was meant to be.
Speaker 2:but I'll actually quit the podcast if you say you're a church girl one more time. I just go to church.
Speaker 1:I read my.
Speaker 5:Bible.
Speaker 6:Oh, my God.
Speaker 3:I love these women accents, no, but that's an amazing accent.
Speaker 6:I wasn't trying to do the major accent.
Speaker 3:I, low-key, was trying to do a trini accent doubles. Oh my god.
Speaker 4:Oh my god.
Speaker 2:We always end on this, I guess.
Speaker 3:My Trini accent is so terrible. I's a church girl.
Speaker 2:You know what you should stop while you're ahead? I just got to church.
Speaker 3:Read my bible, Eat my doubles.
Speaker 1:Oh my god.
Speaker 3:Sorry, I'm done.
Speaker 1:I'm done yeah you're done.
Speaker 3:I'm done. I'm done. I'm done. Sorry, bachelor, like he was ready to fight me boy, I'm done.
Speaker 6:I mean, yeah, this is why we love Shanz, you know. Shanz has one of the best personalities ever, man the best personalities ever we have to love Shanz.
Speaker 3:Shanz is bad all the time. Thank you so much making me blush. Anyway, this is not about me.
Speaker 2:It's not about me um, we've asked all the questions we wanted to ask. There's actually one or two more that we always ask um. The first one is is there any new music besides obviously don and talk coming out soon that we need to keep an eye on Basically.
Speaker 6:Since lockdown, I haven't really released any songs, but I have been recording some songs. I have a couple of them that are ready to go. It's just about how I feel about, or how the essence of things make me feel, about listening to them, or how the essence of things make me feel about, yeah, listening to them. Um, yes, there is music. Time frame to be decided okay in the near future, because I feel like I'm trying to be a little bit more active now.
Speaker 2:Um, yeah, yeah, make sure you let us know and then we'll be able to promote it on our channels as well. There we go.
Speaker 6:There we go.
Speaker 3:Batch, are you really going to sit there and lie to the people?
Speaker 6:What do you mean, batch?
Speaker 3:I'm going to ask you this question one more time. Are you really going to sit there and lie to the people that I am on your mailing list?
Speaker 6:If you haven't got a mail, that's because it never sent out.
Speaker 3:Listen Bach. What have I been asking you for For the last few days? Huh?
Speaker 6:Whatever? Thank you and also I asked you to send me London Thug.
Speaker 3:My inbox is still empty. Oh oh, sometimes I barely even get a response. Oh oh, but we love chance, don't we? Because we hate chance, but we're going to pretend we love her, because we hate Shantz, but we're going to pretend we love her no way.
Speaker 2:This runs deep, I can tell.
Speaker 6:So I may, I may have I may have not, you know, sent out the files to the Tuntun Rhythm to anyone, reason being that was actually my first Production and, oh, we didn't even mention that, reason being that was actually my first production.
Speaker 3:And oh, we didn't even mention that. Talk to us about Tuntun Rhythm, please, oh god.
Speaker 6:Before we leave Well. The Tuntun Rhythm Was my First effort at making a Zest Rhythm.
Speaker 3:Yes.
Speaker 6:And it came out as everyone say Good. Was my first effort at making a Zest rhythm?
Speaker 3:Yes, and it came out as everyone say good, good, no, we need to change the adjective, it's not enough. So it was great.
Speaker 6:Okay, thank you. It was great. You know, my life got turned upside down before I could really get the chance to release it properly. I wanted some videos done. I wanted to get some um.
Speaker 6:We did a launch party which kind of created uk's us yeah that launch party created uk's us and, um, I mean, we carried on like a community, like like we mentioned before, but with the rhythm itself. The time frame was just when my mum got really ill. She was before, and it was kind of like end of life stages, so I couldn't focus on anything else and obviously the aftermath of my mum passing away.
Speaker 6:It wasn't easy on the mind. She's like I didn't focus on on putting the music out there, you know, and a lot of people was upset at me but I actually could not have done it of course yeah, I get that chance.
Speaker 6:You know me, when I push on something, I just push it, you know, and I know that I didn't have it in me to push anything at that point in time. I mean, so now um bingy reached out to me and he released his song on there, um leading all the way. Yeah, so basically there's only two songs released on the rhythm, which is Lady Lava Curfew to Break and BNG's song, but there is 12 more songs to release and I'm just loading. I have them up on SoundCloud. I haven't put them up on Destroy just yet. Yeah, it's loaded up and it's just for me to just press release nice yeah it's out there and I mean finally, yeah and um.
Speaker 6:You know, sometimes people will say like you know, it had its time. I don't feel like it has had its time, because not, not at all yeah, actually has not had his time. So I'm feeling like, you see, just after the, the carnival season started cooled down a little bit yeah yeah, after the, after that carnival and yeah, and grenade and whatever, are we heading into the summer?
Speaker 6:yeah, I'll drop it in in that time there and see if it will catch the vibes. You know someone see how it goes, you know. But um, at the end of the day, like I say, I didn't create the rhythm for fame, I didn't create for name. I created him honestly because I wanted to try something of course and I didn't.
Speaker 6:I I've never studied music I never, of course. I just pick up and I just close my eyes and yeah play keyboard and listen to what okay, what I like a lot of people that can be jealous on that.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's how it came out.
Speaker 6:You know, I mean, and like I said, all the artists, I don't I never charge nobody to jump on already, nothing like that. It was like that. I was just so happy that these people, they want to be on there. I wrote a song on there myself and I don't think I'm going to put a song there. I feel like that package when I put that package out there, that package there is going to remind me of a place and a time, and the time was good you know that was also bad, but we made the most of the most of it, and you know I'm mom.
Speaker 6:Mom sang along and danced to the songs nice you know I mean nice. Gave her comments on to me which one she liked the most yeah and all of these things okay, just remember of all these things and I just want to leave it like I'm not here. I mean, you know me if a new person asks me to jump on it yeah to tell them. No, I like to see people.
Speaker 6:You know I'm doing it yeah it's sound good, we'll release it if you like it, because everybody did poetry. You did poetry in their own way and, yeah, they have some names in there that you would never even expect, like nobody would expect stabby to have a song wait stabby, is that really? Abby has a song on the tone. Oh, like nobody expects to have a song on the rhythm. Tabby has a song on the Tonton Rhythm. Damn, oh shit. Nobody expects Tabby to have a song on the Tonton Rhythm. Tabby has a song on the Tonton Rhythm and oh, wow it's a very good song did not expect it to be.
Speaker 6:That's crazy nobody would ever expect Tabby to have a song on it, but Tabby's got a song damn that's dope, so. So I'm going to send you some music in a minute, okay, sean.
Speaker 3:In a minute.
Speaker 6:You say in a minute, and then I'm going to wait and a year is going to pass.
Speaker 3:And my inbox is still going to be empty.
Speaker 4:Like my bank account.
Speaker 1:Batch. I can't hide.
Speaker 3:Yeah. But, I have two songs on that rhythm on my laptop and I actually play them. I mean, I played your rhythm the last time I played actually, which was Saturday gone, so I actually have started putting that rhythm in my rotation. So I'll play it alongside any zest that I'm playing. So when I'm playing the zest up rhythm, or even when I'm playing wild and freaky, the Van Grine rhythm, I'll play it alongside that. So I've got super nitro song on there. Um, and then the lord the. Is it lard gut?
Speaker 6:yeah, you got a lot of that one yeah because you sent that to me on whatsapp but that's the only two I have, yeah and I've got the instrumental as well.
Speaker 3:So sometimes I'll actually just run the instrumental and put like another song on top of it. But when I tell you that rhythm is bad, bach, honestly, I need you to release it sooner than the summer. I beg just release it. So it's got time to build traction so that by the time summer hits the song's gone, because that song's got potential. And you know Nitro's gonna push that rhythm.
Speaker 3:He's on it, of course, and you know, once you release it properly, I'm pushing it already nitro is going to be pushing it, and when nitro pushes something and other dj see it, they're going to jump on it and start pushing it, and then it's going to catch steam, and then I'm going to be playing it in barbados as well. So it's going to catch steam in Barbados and, before you know it, rhythm gone. So you need to release that before the summer.
Speaker 3:I beg, don't remember me and then, you release it in July Because we're going to have a problem batch Because, number one, you don't send me songs that I want. Number two, you barely reply to my messages. And then, number three, you're gonna release this song like mad late, and then too late For me to do anything In Barbados.
Speaker 6:You're taking the.
Speaker 3:Mickey Mouse.
Speaker 6:I'm not gonna really say late. You're getting all the files In a minute, in all the files In a minute. Be careful.
Speaker 2:Because Sharon's Will release it herself. See, it will just upload.
Speaker 3:I was going to say it's my rhythm Check out my new rhythm that I made yesterday. So yeah, wicked, when I look forward to that Dropping properly, listeners, check it out. Actually, no, is it even on YouTube?
Speaker 6:It's not on YouTube. I've got it loaded up on soundcloud, yeah oh, it's not on youtube it's private. Oh my god, I've got a couple of live mixes on soundcloud.
Speaker 3:That is on where I've played it a good few live mixes, but guys, guys.
Speaker 4:Stay tuned for the Tuntun rhythm. Stay tuned, honestly.
Speaker 5:It's worth the wait.
Speaker 7:It's worth the wait.
Speaker 3:Honestly, but Batch, thank you so much for giving us your time Before.
Speaker 2:Sorry your socials. I'm so sorry, batch, because these people need to know where to look for the new songs, exactly so tell us where can people find you, not your address, so they can turn up to your house.
Speaker 3:I know you might like that if it's women.
Speaker 6:But where they can find you On social media.
Speaker 3:Please, it's a plug, plug, plug.
Speaker 6:So I'm on all social media Batch underscore VZ. If you're searching for'm on all social media, batch underscore vz. You know um. If you're searching for me on all the music platforms, batch just p-a-t-c-h. You know um. And if you know the name of the song, just put the name of the song next to it. You know, but I find me everywhere batch. And batch underscore vz. Okay, lovely, we'll make at UKZest as well is your page.
Speaker 3:Check that out for the next up and coming events.
Speaker 6:Silk Essentials Santa wear coming up.
Speaker 3:Excuse me, how are they finding out about this at the same time as me? I don't understand.
Speaker 6:I'm literally loading up the Nah Batch. I'm done with you.
Speaker 3:I'm literally loading up the Nah Batch. I'm done with you. I'm just loading up the thing.
Speaker 6:I got the artwork this evening so I'm gonna load up the event bright and stuff.
Speaker 3:I'm so done. I should have known about this before See what I mean. You don't rate me, batch. You don't rate me, you hate me. Oh, that rhymes. You don't rate me, you hate me.
Speaker 2:You can take this offline with batch. This is going out of control I'm in trouble 100, 100. If there's any like news about a fight in london, then we know what's happening. Well, thank you very much. We'll make sure we link your socials in the description as well yes, so people can easily find that. Yeah, um, yeah, there's nothing left for us to ask, I think.
Speaker 6:Thank you very much, yeah, for taking the time to speak with us very much as well. That was actually really nice, you know, I mean, yeah, a nice little chat with you guys. You know, I mean I appreciate it definitely appreciate you 100 but, we'll catch up soon, for sure we will do without fighting, please.
Speaker 2:I can't promise that. I'm so sorry because you know me a batch batch.
Speaker 6:Just I don't like that I just have to just be beaten up and then just accept your face, because we all know that I've got muscles. I have to accept my fate At this point.
Speaker 3:Exactly, that's it as long as you know. That's it. But yeah, batch, take care of yourself, man, and we'll catch up soon, for sure.
Speaker 6:Thank you very much, guys. Thank you very much.
Speaker 2:We'll talk later. Peace, bye.
Speaker 1:This is Soca Soca Chronicles.
Speaker 2:And we're back. I really like the name of the human with Batch.
Speaker 3:Yeah, definitely. I really love what he's doing for the scene with Soca Central. I feel like we need more 100% Soca Fets.
Speaker 2:I agree, I agree, I'm always looking out for these events because, however much I like other genres, sometimes as well, I go to a Soca Fet for Soca. I wouldn't, like to go to a hip-hop fat and end up in an hour-long reggae session. You know so definitely we need to have more 100 hip-hop. No jeez, sorry, I had a flashing light here, sorry, we need to have more 100 soca events.
Speaker 3:That's what it is definitely, definitely, so I wish batch luck with his event yeah I hope it grows and grows and grows and becomes big like Dreamland or Rebel or Jam Juvie or whatever, that would be fab, but RKO. What have we forgotten?
Speaker 2:We have forgotten two things actually. The first is that, sadly, the only big Dutch event Is calling it quits. April 4th will be the last episode. I guess episode the last event of. Soca versus Denzel, so we're losing our one major Soca event that wasn't even 100% Soca fed, so you know something needs to be in the place of that.
Speaker 2:So anybody out there who listens to this, please organize an event in the Netherlands. There will be a market. I will be promoting it for you, free of charge. I will be present. Of course, I will make sure your bar tab is filled, because I will drink all the booze, no problem.
Speaker 3:Um, yeah, make it happen, please why don't you, or why don't we make it happen, rko? How about?
Speaker 2:that? Why are?
Speaker 3:we telling other people to make it happen?
Speaker 2:no, why don't we make it happen? I want to, but I have to quit my job first, and somehow I think I cannot afford that oh my goodness okay if you say so.
Speaker 3:If you say so, sorry, yeah, maybe I should do it, because I wouldn't need to quit my job.
Speaker 2:I could do it at the same time.
Speaker 3:But I need someone on the ground in the netherlands, which would be you, bro.
Speaker 2:I can't do it on my own, that I can do, that I can do, tell me what to do. And I'll try to do it.
Speaker 1:And I can still drink the bar empty. No, worry.
Speaker 3:Alright cool, let's make it happen.
Speaker 4:Let's make something happen, let's go, let's make something happen there we go.
Speaker 3:What was the second thing that we forgot, akir?
Speaker 2:The second thing, which is an integral part Of this podcast we we forgot about the song of the month. This is the song of the month, I mean, and it's at a bad time as well, because this song of the month is actually epic Kes is back at it again.
Speaker 3:Back at it again With the white fans.
Speaker 2:Instead of white fans. It's epic music, sorry.
Speaker 3:No worry.
Speaker 2:They released a new song called Coco Tea, and my goodness, it is sweet.
Speaker 3:Yes, like some cocoa tea. Sweet like cocoa tea, sweet like Julie Bango.
Speaker 2:I think we should get into the song.
Speaker 3:I think we should.
Speaker 1:Let's go. Heat me up. Only you alone could put fire back in my soul. Heat me up, and they telling me I should leave that fire. How long? Well, the more they tell me's, the more I hold in your clothes. I could never let you go. Miss Oceanette Girl, I'm coming home. I will see you again All day through the night. I'm dreaming. Yeah, miss, how she name when you turn it up. Make it smooth, my darling. When outside is pouring rain, put that button in fire. Bubble in ya. Bubble in ya. Bubble in ya. It's over.
Speaker 7:Raise the temperature higher. Coming in ya, coming in ya, coming in ya closer Make the thing.
Speaker 1:Catch a fire, spill it all on the ground, all over the counter with that, button the fire.
Speaker 2:It's your Coco T Ella boy that was Cass with Coco T and we have now reached because I've nothing else that I've forgotten. Did you forget anything, sharns? Well, if I have nothing else that I've forgotten, did you forget anything, sharns?
Speaker 3:Well, if I've forgotten it, I'm not going to remember, am I Do?
Speaker 2:I that's just too shay, too effing shay.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I don't think there's anything more. If there is, then tough.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it will happen next month.
Speaker 3:There we go 100%.
Speaker 2:Well, in that case, it is time to listen to our good friend.
Speaker 4:Make. It is time to listen to our good friend. Make sure you check out Soca Chronicles. Tag a friend, tell a friend, share the podcast. Let people know that this exists Because it's good for the culture, it's good for the vibe, it's good for the energy, it's educational, it's fun, it's funny, it's bantiful.
Speaker 3:And it's good for you to just know. A see you in the last month of 2024. Damn yes, as rko said, guys take care of yourselves, be safe. If you're in barbados right now celebrating independence, please have two, three, five, ten drinks for me. Let me know how it is, tag me in your videos. I want to see it, we want to see it. Enjoy, guys, and we will be back in December. Bye-bye.
Speaker 1:Bye, you've been listening to the Soca Chronicles.