Soca Chronicles
Soca Chronicles
Surviving Miami Carnival: Rainy Fetes and High Seas Drama
Picture this: Miami Carnival in full swing, but the skies have other plans. Join us as Sharnz recounts the highs and lows of the carnival festivities, from the determination to enjoy Soca Brainwash despite the odds, to the fatigue-induced skips of J'ouvert and the road experience.
In the spirit of creativity, we share our humorous blueprint for financing next year’s carnival escapades: the sugar daddy strategy. It's all fun and games as we joke about the benefits of shared wealth, while keeping one eye on the upcoming carnival circuit, from the Uber Soca Cruise to the vibrant small island carnivals. To cap it all off, our Song of the Month brings a musical celebration, uniting hearts and feet in the dance of life.
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Welcome to the Soca Chronicles. Soca Chronicles with.
Speaker 2:Sharns and RKO. Welcome to the 38th episode of Soca Chronicles, the podcast that brings you everything Soca. I'm RKO and I'm digitally sitting next to the one and only Sharns.
Speaker 3:Yo, yo Yo.
Speaker 2:You done, turns yo yo, yo, you're done.
Speaker 4:Yeah, you had three yo's. You know, when you hit the three yo's?
Speaker 2:it's time to have some so good chronicles that's right and chronicles we shall have this month, because I keep saying this and it hurts me every time I say it, but one of us went to Miami Carnival.
Speaker 4:One of us, and it wasn't you, arkeo.
Speaker 2:Exactly. That's why I say it keeps hurting.
Speaker 4:Oh, poor Ting, Poor Ting. I'm so sorry.
Speaker 2:I had a nice little holiday in Aruba, so I'm not going to complain at all.
Speaker 4:Aruba. How was it? It was very nice.
Speaker 2:Thank you, it was 30 degrees the temperature I like. It was sunny. You get a little tan Very little, because I was spraying that sun cream on me Like it was Body lotion. No, it was nice, it was really nice yeah you know we're not here to do some vacations and regular degular vacation stories.
Speaker 4:We're here to listen to soca degular vacation stories I hear it, but it's nice for you to be included. You get me. This will be the last words I say this exactly no.
Speaker 2:No more words, marco. We're only going to listen to sharks now. The one thing I heard about carnival was a hurricane man.
Speaker 4:What the fuck yeah, bro, I mean I'm fresh home away. Listen, let me tell you, bro. So I'm fresh home from Miami. I stayed a bit extra past the carnival.
Speaker 2:Because you are extra. You're so funny. That was me, sorry, guys.
Speaker 4:Yeah, so literally the day I landed in Miami is the day the hurricane hit Shit yeah. However, I was very lucky. There were, like so many other flights that got cancelled. Any flight going to Orlando or Tampa was cancelled.
Speaker 2:Yeah, tampa flooded right.
Speaker 4:Yeah. So the hurricane literally hit Tampa and Orlando, missed Miami, but Miami got like the wind and the terrible weather. So I've never been to Miami, where Occasionally I've got to wear a hoodie and it's raining every day, but not a lick of rain.
Speaker 2:Literally Tsunami rain bro Jesus.
Speaker 4:But you know I like to exaggerate, but you you catch the drift in it like the rain was not light. It was heavy rain yeah, so yeah, it was. It was a different experience weather-wise this year also. The weather did affect the fetts for me oh, yeah, it really did, yeah, but overall I had a good experience. Um, unfortunately, old age kicked in and I may have missed juve no, and I may have missed the road as well, you're lying you're lying old age, you're too tired
Speaker 4:to do it or what bro, do you know what happened? Because obviously juve, I think, starts at like 7 am or something like that and I had gone out the night before as you should yeah, as you should. Why not go down if your knees still good anyway my knees were not still good.
Speaker 5:I'll tell you that for free.
Speaker 4:Um, so I had set my alarm and everything. I think I set my alarm for like 5 am or something like that, and I think I went to bed at like 3 am, which is where we're having an issue yeah, it sounds like something I wouldn't enjoy yeah so yeah, so the alarm went off. I opened my eyes, I switched the alarm off and I went back to sleep. And when I woke up, again, it was like 10 o'clock.
Speaker 4:So I was like oh well, whoopsie Soca brainwash is At 3 o'clock, so yeah, yeah there's no point In me going to. Juve, now no point, and Juve's far as well. It's not close, it's in Fort Lauderdale which is not even Miami, oh.
Speaker 4:Yeah. So I was like by the it's in Fort Lauderdale, which is not even Miami, yeah. So, um, I was like by the time I get ready and everything, cause you know me, I'm a female, I take ages to get ready 100% it's going to be like 11. And by the time I leave and get down there it'll probably be like 1245. And then still got to find parking and da, da, da, and then it's like what am I going to enjoy? Because I still have to come home, shower change and then head to Soka Brainwash. So I was just like, do you know what? Juvé's not seeing me.
Speaker 2:Exactly, that makes sense.
Speaker 4:Yeah, but it was disappointing because I had planned to go. But it is what it is, so I went to Soka Brainwash.
Speaker 3:Yeah, yeah, next year, yeah.
Speaker 4:Yeah, to soak a brainwash, yeah, yeah, next year. Yeah, yeah, but you know it is what it is. I didn't have a package or anything. I was literally just gonna go online because obviously with the, the juve and the actual road it's not a road, it's inside a park and you have to pay to get in got it, yeah, so I was just gonna get tickets online to get in which is like 65 dollars yeah, makes sense yeah, yeah.
Speaker 4:I think if I had bought a package and actually spent money, my eyes would not have closed back when my alarm went off because you know me I don't like to waste money, and then packages were like over a hundred dollars, bro. So I would have dragged my sleepy ass down to juve. I would have had to wake up on the way or some shit.
Speaker 4:But, yeah, so went to Soka. Brainwash Thought yeah, let me get there nice and early. You know it's drinks inclusive in Miami, so you know I'm going to get my money's worth. Blah, blah, blah, the rain was falling.
Speaker 2:Hard.
Speaker 4:That is not good.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it was falling hard, hard, hard so get there now in the car.
Speaker 4:The rain is, it's literally pissing it down. So I'm thinking, do I wait in the car for it to pass? I had an umbrella so I was like it will pass soon. So I think I rolled up there like it was like just before five that I got there. It was finishing at, I think, 10 or 11 or something like that. The rain would not stop falling bro, and obviously it was in like a field, big field, and fields have mud.
Speaker 4:And what happens? They have mud and grass, and what happens when the grass and the mud gets wet? It causes muddy puddles. It's got a wet fit it literally was a wet fit bro so I'm there fucking excuse my language. I just swore damn, I apologize, I'm like trying to avoid. I'm trying to avoid all these muddy puddles and at this point I feel like I'm pepper pig in these, in these muddy puddles bro I'm not gonna lie to you
Speaker 4:so then it was like when I got there, obviously there weren't that many people there, because it was early.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's wet there we go.
Speaker 4:So people are thinking, right, let me wait for the rain to die down, then I'll head to brainwash. So on their instagram page it was like this is a rain or shine event. So I'm thinking, oh, you know, they're gonna have like some covering yeah, you know to block from the rain, okay, cool. So that's another reason why I was like, yeah, let me just get out of the car and head there makes sense I get there, bro. Where was the covering?
Speaker 2:was it covered.
Speaker 4:There were about three tents, you know them small tents where normally, you know, in BIM, they would normally have like a bar underneath that tent. They had like three of those.
Speaker 4:And obviously everybody is rushing or they're going straight to the shelter. So I barely was able to get shelter and I couldn't move from there Because the rain would not stop. And then I'm thinking this is all inclusive. I've paid a hundred and somebody dollars. I think it was like a hundred and forty, maybe more, a hundred and something dollars, anyway that I've paid for this ticket, bro.
Speaker 3:I want a drink.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 4:So I went to the bar, started off, well you know, avoiding the puddles. Then the puddles became unavoidable, bro, and.
Speaker 2:I was wearing.
Speaker 4:Vans, and you know, vans have like that suede material.
Speaker 2:No, that rule is gone. Just kiss them goodbye.
Speaker 3:Bro, they're like my favorite Vans as well.
Speaker 4:But you know what the worst thing is, bro. Remember them shoe coverings I had in BIM.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 4:They were in my suitcase and I just completely forgot To take them with me, which is what annoyed me even more. So then I'm thinking, oh you know, I can avoid this puddle and I stepped. Bro, when I tell you it was basically up to my Flipping waist, of course I'm exaggerating, but Do you know what I mean, bro, when I tell you it was basically up to my flipping waist? The water, of course I'm exaggerating, but do you know what I mean? Shoes soaked, socks soaked, feet soaked, everything soaked. I was like damn and then right in front of the bar.
Speaker 4:The bar had puddle. Right across the bar there was a big puddle. There was no point of the bar that you could go to and avoid the puddles. So for the whole time I was there I probably got like two drinks. Yeah, normally I would have got five, six, seven, get my money's worth, but yeah, I got two because I was like this I can't keep doing this. So I spent basically the whole time underneath the tent and the tent was so far away from the stage as well.
Speaker 3:So I couldn't really see what was going on.
Speaker 4:Yeah but they had two stages. They had the Soca Baby stage where they played like 80s, 90s and 2000s Soca, so it was nothing newer than 2017. And where the tent was that I was sheltering under the. Soca Baby tent was literally right opposite it.
Speaker 4:Oh, yeah, so you were only hearing them yeah so I could hear the music from the Soca Baby tent. However, the music on the main stage was so loud and it was like you can hear both sets of music at the same time, which was a bit nonsensical. To be honest, I don't know how they could have fixed that. Maybe they could have put the Soca Baby tent much further away from the main stage or something I don't know, but it didn't really work. No, In all honesty.
Speaker 2:No, I can imagine.
Speaker 4:So yeah, I mean Circa Brainwash for me just because of the weather. It wasn't because of the promoters or the DJs or anything like that, but just because of the weather. It was the worst fit for me.
Speaker 2:I left early because I was like I can't do this and the thing is, it's not like it's raining, you know, like in bim, when it rains it's still warm.
Speaker 4:Yeah, yeah, yeah exactly it was cold so I'm like shivering, got the goosebumps all over my arms because, I'm so cold yeah it reminds me of my first time in nothing hill, uh, my only time. Yes, no, we needed yes when you did the duvet.
Speaker 2:Exactly, I did the duvet. Nah, it was raining, I was cold.
Speaker 3:I was wet.
Speaker 2:And I couldn't raise my hands anymore at some point, so like, yeah, it's time to go. Exactly, I hear you.
Speaker 4:Exactly. It's not a nice experience and it was really disappointing for me because I really love Circa Brainwashers. A fet, do you know what? I mean Like all the other ones I've been to, I've enjoyed and I was really looking forward to it. But the weather for me it killed it. But if I was dressed appropriately, if I had like wellies, if I had like a rain mac or something, I would have been out there splashing in them puddles like Peppa Pig, Like you could not have stopped me at all.
Speaker 2:I love it. Um, yeah, this is not a great start to your, to your miami experience. Tell me there were some good events, though no, there were.
Speaker 4:There were definitely some good events. Um. So the day after I got there, it was busan bacchanal which I went to in barbados, and that was one of my favorites yeah um, it was meant to be a cruise. However, because of milton the hurricane, oh shit the sea was very rough.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you don't want to go on the sea in that weather.
Speaker 4:Exactly so. Instead of completely cancelling the event, they just moved it to an indoor venue.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 4:Okay, that's fair enough. Yeah, it was a vibe, you know, I did enjoy it. There were a few well, not celebrities, but you know the Bajan boys were outside, as in Mole was there, bruce Lee was there.
Speaker 2:Some artists there. Nice, I like it yeah.
Speaker 4:Scooby was there. Like yeah, and you know, scooby is a vibe, bro, he's a vibe, he's a vibe.
Speaker 2:Nice.
Speaker 4:So, yeah, that was a good event. Good music played, etc. Etc. You heard everything beyond the new grenadian stuff love it you would have loved the grenadian segment, bro, and anytime I hear muddy horny. I think of you because no no no, no, oh my god, I just realized that sounds really weird, bro. Yeah, let me let me explain. Let me explain, please, please do. Let me explain, because you were the one that introduced me to that song because, remember you made it song of the month yes and you were like, yeah, I really really like this song.
Speaker 4:And then you played it for me and I was like, oh yeah, it's a vibe.
Speaker 5:So that's why that song reminds me of you, not for any other reason, please thank you.
Speaker 4:Thank you for explaining that, that's incest, bro, that's exactly, it's getting awkward real quick oh my god, why am I so hot jaja? But yeah, um, you would have enjoyed it. The vibes were up, nobody was like being stush, people were dancing, etc. So boozing back and out on my second day was fab, love that, yeah. Next day, I think the friday, I did the naked boat cruise, which was dj blazer's event that was, that was a vibe. That was a vibe, but there was drama. Oh, let me tell y'all the drama, because you know me, I love to tell drama.
Speaker 3:When I'm not involved.
Speaker 4:This cruise Was meant to be A 7am Till 11am cruise.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 4:Or was it 8 till 12, 1 or 2. Anyway, it was meant to be A morning cruise. I had gone out the Thursday night so I was like, yeah, I'm not making the cruise. I didn't have any tickets or anything I was. I would have had to do Like a little gym screechy, which means just like finesse my way onto that boat yeah that's what I was gonna have to do, and you know me, I'm a female, you know you know, I can finesse you know.
Speaker 4:Anyway, let's not talk any further about that so I was like, yeah, I'm not going to this cruise. But then I woke up. I'd say I probably got up about I think it was like 9 30. I got up and I had say I probably got up about I think it was like 9.30,.
Speaker 4:I got up and I had checked Instagram and it had said the cruise has been pushed back, so they were boarding at 10, no boarding at 11, sailing at 12 yep and they were like bare people complaining because there was another event that day called citrus, yeah, and that was due to start at one or something, and that was like an all-inclusive fit drinks included food included everything. So obviously people want to get there early, get their money's worth and if this cruise is now leaving at 12 yeah, you're losing. It means it's going to finish at four. Citrus was to finish at 7, so it wouldn't, have made sense.
Speaker 4:So bare people are asking for refunds, selling their tickets, whatever. So I'm like, yeah man, I'm going to get on this cruise. So went there, managed to finesse my way onto the boat.
Speaker 2:Yeah, because they don't have anybody coming anymore.
Speaker 4:Yeah, yeah, let's say that you won't be asking for a refund, so they don't have anybody coming anymore.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, let's say that you won't be asking for a refund, so yeah, so Vanessa went on to the boat Anyway.
Speaker 4:So remember, this boat's meant to leave at 12. 12.30 comes the boat's still there. 1 o'clock comes the boat's still there. But at this point the boat had sold out, like a week before. So at this time the boat is ram. It's ram, ram ram. So even though people weren't, going they must have managed to sell their tickets, or whatever, I don't know. This boat was ram bro and obviously that day was very warm, so you know lots of bodies it's hot, it's sweaty, it it's humid.
Speaker 4:Yeah, so one o'clock, the boat's still there. 1.30, the boat's still there. Two o'clock the boat's still there, nah.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 4:So then people start to get annoyed, understandably.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 4:So people just started to leave the boat, like they just started walking off the boat All right then. And just waiting on the pier. So the boat went from being like super, super packed to maybe like three quarters full at this point. So there's now room to move around. It's not so hot. Blah, blah, blah. Then I'm seeing like I'm hearing bear commotion, because I'm downstairs, like really close to where the entrance was for the boat, I'm hearing bear commotion, people are cussing, blah, blah and I'm like what is going on?
Speaker 4:so you peaked obviously I peaked because at this point it's half past two and this boat still hasn't moved. So the people that had got off the boat obviously were hearing all right, the boat's ready to leave. Now they were trying to come back on the boat and security was like no, you can't come back on the boat.
Speaker 2:Yes, and obviously there were roads yeah.
Speaker 4:So then there were people I think it was maybe some of their friends or something that was still on the boat, that then wanted to get off the boat and they were just like nobody's coming on, nobody's getting off. Oh my god yeah, so then they shut the doors and, literally two minutes later, the boat, the boat moved off jesus yeah, but at this point there's music playing Whatever, whatever Like it's, it's all good, but once the boat Like started moving, vibes were up it was an absolute vibe Like I.
Speaker 2:I enjoyed that. People losing their friends Not giving anymore Like, okay, that's fine, we'll dance, it's just like yo, like you're gone.
Speaker 4:I paid my money for this cruise. I'm going to have to make the most of it. I'll enjoy it for the both of us.
Speaker 2:Yeah, exactly, exactly.
Speaker 4:One of them ones, but yeah, so that was drama, but that was really good, I reckon, because you know the Americans Love to do chargebacks. We see it all the time With like costumes and stuff. I'm telling you now there's going to be A hella Hella, hella, hella, hella, hella, hella. Chargebacks for that event. Yeah, I can imagine. So that was a good event. Sss was Saturday. Sunday. What did I do Sunday?
Speaker 2:You said SSS was Saturday.
Speaker 4:No, not SSS. Sorry, Soka Brainwash.
Speaker 2:I apologize, soka Brainwash was Saturday.
Speaker 4:Sunday I was meant to do the roads, and tiredness consumed me once again.
Speaker 3:I didn't do the roads?
Speaker 2:It is what it is um, I think I went to.
Speaker 3:I went to the cinema instead, or something like that I can't remember something else.
Speaker 4:No, I'm lying. I didn't go to the cinema, I went to a restaurant. It was a jamaican restaurant, the canoe or something it was called. Bro, tell me why I've pulled up in the Uber. I'm hearing Soca blazing. I'm like yo. Is this coming from the restaurant? I'm about to step in.
Speaker 2:Love it.
Speaker 4:So went inside, bro. They got a DJ there. He's slapping Soca. I was like I am in the right place. Yes, exactly, literally Trust me Like bro when I tell you this restaurant was a vibe like you would have loved it.
Speaker 4:remember that restaurant yes that me and cj went to yes, yeah I was just like if rko was here, we'd be mashing up this restaurant right now, because the staff trust me, because the staff were like running around blowing whistles, doing like soca trains all around, like the staff were on it, bro, and I was like I don't have my best friend with me so I'm not gonna join it. Yeah, I'm just gonna sit here and eat and just vibe and bubble and drink my drink, my cocktails. Yeah, like I honestly wish you were there, bro, we would have absolutely wrecked that restaurant.
Speaker 4:But if you're ever in miami, that's where we're going yeah, makes sense, sounds good so that was my sunday. I think I went out in the night as well. I can't remember what I did. But monday, my favorite, favorite, favorite event was sss.
Speaker 2:Bro, it was sss it's always good, always good yeah, trust me, got there early.
Speaker 4:It was like a whole range of music I was hearing. When I got in it was like old school so it could be in played. When I got there there was hardly anyone there so I was like, yeah, I've got room to move about, do what I'm doing yeah like bro, when they released the powder, they did that powder cloud thing. First of all I was in awe yeah and then after that I was fighting for my life. That powder was going in my flipping lungs, bro like it was crazy.
Speaker 3:I've got a video of it.
Speaker 4:I think I might post it on the circle chronicles page like it looks amazing. But you really do need to cover your mouth and nose because yeah, it's deadly but sss favorite f fit of the whole thing Hands down.
Speaker 2:Love it. It sounds epic.
Speaker 4:Yeah, tuesday finished off the carnival was International Steven's Bright Colors Boat Ride. That was a vibe as well, Speaking of International Steven did you see?
Speaker 2:that he got signed by Monk Music. I did not as an A&R manager or something like that.
Speaker 4:Really I did not, or even head off, I don't know Some high position In Monk Music.
Speaker 2:He's moving. Congratulations, yeah, man.
Speaker 4:And he's such a cool guy. Yeah, such a cool guy Like that guy Will not go anywhere and walk past me. He'll always say hello, yeah.
Speaker 3:He's great.
Speaker 2:He's great 100%.
Speaker 4:Literally. But yeah, that was Miami Carnival. For me, nice, that was miami carnival for me, nice, oh, I forgot. So a previous guest that we had on a podcast, bro, who lives in miami yes sizway now remember during that episode. Yeah, during that episode I spoke to him about being part of the circle chronicles team. Yeah, I ordered a Circle Chronicles hoodie for him. I finally met up with him in person in Miami, bro, gave him the hoodie.
Speaker 2:Love it.
Speaker 4:So he's officially part of the team.
Speaker 2:Love it.
Speaker 4:Officially yeah, bro, it was beautiful to meet up with him and he has his own podcast.
Speaker 2:I was about to say, yeah, that he started. Yeah, he's doing little conversational type interviews. So if you can't get enough of Social Chronicles, then also check out Sizwe C's podcast. It's on his own YouTube channel, sizwe. You can google it it's called. Hold on. It's called what they Do, so be sure to check that out, please. It's great. He's meeting up with a lot of artists and promoters talk about what they do, so make sure to check it out definitely if you want your own.
Speaker 2:So chronicles hoodies, we still have them available. Just go to socracroniclescom and you can order them from there.
Speaker 4:Yeah, I think it's the merchandise tab. Yeah, click on that. Grab that. You can get hats, bags.
Speaker 2:Everything you can get Pillows.
Speaker 4:Cushions, yeah Everything. So, check that out. But yeah, so that was my rundown of Miami Carnival. I had a great time. As I said, I stayed a few days extra after the carnival just so I could relax and do some touristy things. There we go literally. It was about recovery I ended up going to a gun range, so I shot a gun for the first time well done.
Speaker 2:How was it?
Speaker 4:it was so scary, bro, I nearly cried the first time I picked up that gun and I shot it, and the recoil on the gun, bro, it was just a pistol. My eyes were watering. I had to take a moment. I was overwhelmed. I was like oh, my God, oh my God. But then after that, once I got into it, I was like yeah man, bad girl, sharns, oh.
Speaker 4:Jesus Christ and I was just like pop, pop, pop pop. I'm going to put some footage of that on my Instagram. Sorry At DJ Sean's Check that out, but yeah, it was good.
Speaker 5:I was glad that I went to my carnival this year.
Speaker 4:Definitely Next year. Rko, you are coming with me.
Speaker 2:There's a lot of things that I'm coming with you. There's a lot of things we need to arrange, so let's see we need to get our money up.
Speaker 4:Don of things, and I'm coming with you. There's a lot of things we need to arrange, so let's see. Let's see we need to get our money up. Don't worry, I'm going to find a sugar daddy and then they can pay for us both.
Speaker 3:There we go.
Speaker 4:Well, he'll just give me the money and I'll finance you.
Speaker 2:That's perfect. Just double all the expenses you claim with him, and then we'll be good there we claim for you as well deal done, deal, make it happen if there are any sugar daddies listening right now?
Speaker 4:and uh, you know you don't want any sugar, but you know, you just want my company you mean I'll hold hands with you. You know we can cuddle, but that's as far as it goes I'm not calling nobody, just so you know bro I'm gonna take one for the team If that sounds like something that you'd like Holler at me on Instagram At DJ Shans. That's D-J-S-H-A-R-N-Z, or you can email me.
Speaker 2:DJ Shans At gmailcom. Phone number, home address Jesus, pin code, bank details.
Speaker 4:That's what you need to give, bro listen, don't mock this, you know, because if I actually find a sugar daddy, jesus PIN codes. No, wait, no PIN code.
Speaker 2:Bank details. That's what you need to give, bro. Listen, don't mock this, you know.
Speaker 4:Because if I actually find a sugar daddy and I can finance us both, I will publicly apologize. That's what I'm saying so, you better hush your gums right now, because I'm doing this for the both of us, okay.
Speaker 2:This is a selfless act. Listen, act, listen. You know what? Uh, there's one more thing I want to say, and that is like we are coming out of the the the carnival season. There's one more big event coming, which is, yes, uber soca cruise in october. Of course, we have some small island carnivals as well, so I don't want to like just and not talk about them uh saying kids during christmas and new year, so there's loads of small carnivals.
Speaker 2:So it's not the end of the season per se, but it's the end of the let me call it the big island season yeah uh, we are back in february with trini, carnival and some other other items of all like sean's favorite dominica, it's in march next year oh, I think even Trini is in March, isn't it?
Speaker 4:Yeah, it's exactly the same time as Dominica, and I think Ruba is exactly the same time as well.
Speaker 2:Correct, long season, you know.
Speaker 4:Because they still start vetting early. Exactly. So yeah, man, as we speak right now, Ubersoka Cruise is happening. Gutted that I'm not on that cruise because I was in miami the day it started.
Speaker 2:so I could have sneaked on the boat man could have, but I didn't.
Speaker 5:And uh, lesson learned, I'll be there next time, nice once I acquire this sugar daddy.
Speaker 4:We will be there, rko we not me.
Speaker 2:We yep, I I agree, that's all I go, but I think it's time for some music, don't you agree?
Speaker 4:I always agree with a bit of music bro.
Speaker 2:Epic. It's Song of the Month time. Do you want to have the honors?
Speaker 4:No, I'm going to let you, because I've been talking a lot, a lot, a lot All right.
Speaker 2:Well, this month's song of the month is Michael Teja with Energy.
Speaker 1:This is the song of the month. It's our energy when we come down, babe, they say all we know is to jump and wave, eat in every creed and race and the cannibal is the holy grail. I feel like I could stay right here Living the mass holy. Yeah, I feel like I could stay right here, living di my soul. Yeah, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. I feel I could stay right here. Look out di my somewhere. Everybody charge up, we going higher, full of energy Energy. Everybody charge up, we going higher, full of energy Energy. Oh, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Nipples raising, we vibrating. Oh, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, nipples raising, we all the groove shaking. Look around, it's all our way Jumping up past Pamalea. Tell the past, life's not dare. Love is the only energy. Look around me, it's all away, every heart up in the air. Tell the bass pipes not to dare. Love is the only energy. Mama, you know where my heart is Buried in the savannah. From the hills in Gonzales I could hear the panorama. You know where my waist is, behind a pretty girl. Familiar faces Make the sweetest bacchanal Cause. There's a energy when we come down here. This is all we know is to jump and wave. It's in every creed and race and the cannibal is the holy grail. I feel I could stay right here. And the cannibal is the holy grail, woah-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, I feel I could stay right here, living the man's soul. Yeah, woah-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, I feel I could stay right here. Look how the man's somewhere.
Speaker 1:Everybody charge up. We going higher, full of energy energy. Everybody charge up. We going high up, full of energy energy. Everybody charge up. We going high up, full of energy energy. Oh, oh, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, me balls raising. We vibrating. Oh, oh, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, me balls raising. We are the we vibrate. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Soca Chronicles.
Speaker 2:That was Michael Teja With Energy. This is one of the newer 2025 Trini songs. It is a vibe, you know. You always see they first start releasing the Groovy sounds.
Speaker 2:And then later closer to the actual carnival, we're going to hear some power. So it is groovy season and this is definitely one for the season. So, yeah, man, good song. There's one more topic we need to discuss. It's a personal topic now, not so much personal, but at least it's relevant to people living in the Netherlands, like myself. Yes, so much personal, but at least it's relevant to people living in the netherlands like myself.
Speaker 2:Yes, in the netherlands there's not a very big scene of soca. There's a couple of events. There's rotterdam carnival, the only carnival in the netherlands, besides the catholic dutch carnival, which is something completely different. Um, but yeah, um, one of the main events that we have is so covers, a dancehall happens every two months and you know it's been going on for years 14 15, 16 years, something like that.
Speaker 2:I think it's 16 years yeah so they've been going at it for a time. It's also the how do you call it the? The headquarters of uh DSL, that soca Legion.
Speaker 3:Used to be.
Speaker 2:Dutch Soca lovers. But I have read the news.
Speaker 4:That they are stopping, damn Daniel.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's a major loss For the Dutch Soca scene.
Speaker 3:I do understand it though.
Speaker 2:If you've been going on for so long, it becomes the same thing, becomes the same thing, the only same thing we have like it's. It's similar to all the other like times we had it, so nothing is new. I guess people are like not going anymore, like they've been a couple of times, they know how it is and they they're looking for other things at some point. Um, let's just hope that this gap will be filled with new events.
Speaker 2:There are some Small initiatives around the Dutch Like Soca scene, but it's just so minor. So, yeah, maybe Soca Chronicles needs to get Back into the events in the Netherlands.
Speaker 4:Definitely. That's probably sad because you've mentioned On previous episodes of the podcast the lack of A Soca scene in the Netherlandsetherlands. Yeah, so for them to now announce that april will be the last soca versus dancehall. That's just like damn.
Speaker 2:That's so disappointing yeah, it just shows that the market is very limited in the netherlands, and that's uh, that's fair enough, because they were the thing. What they did good is they had big events. You know, they had uh well, in dutch terms I'm not talking like london or, of course, the caribbean- yeah um, but they had, uh, they had big events.
Speaker 2:So, yeah, we're gonna have to miss that for a time and hopefully one of the other events is just stepping in because there is there is a market. They've been doing it for 16 years, profitable, so you know oh, for sure and for sure otherwise it just needs to be Soca Chronicles, like I said, definitely Make it happen.
Speaker 4:Definitely, I think. I actually think we could do this. Obviously, we would start off small, so just like a maybe 100 to 150 capacity venue.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 4:But it wouldn't be Soca versus Dance, although it would be Soca mainly with. Maybe I don't know it would be like't be Soca vs Dance. It would be Soca Mainly with, maybe I don't know it would be like 80% Soca and then 20% other genres.
Speaker 2:It would exactly be Boujon vs Power. That's it, I think.
Speaker 4:Yeah, come on, because we're in the Netherlands. I think there's room to play some of them. Dutch bangers, you know me, I love me. A Dutch banger oh my god, that is. I think there's room to play some of them.
Speaker 2:Dutch bangers. You know me, I love me a. Dutch banger oh my god, gas man dem man, man dem pull up, pull up. That is 2017, get on the new track bro.
Speaker 4:Well, you need to educate me on the new tracks, bro. So what you need to do now Is you need to make a soaker, not a soaker.
Speaker 2:I've got soaker in the brain I was going to say, only look at new soaker. I've got so great brain I was gonna say only look at new soaker songs.
Speaker 4:I don't do dutch bangers I hear you, but this is what I need you to do for me make a spotify playlist of, like all the best dutch bangers, because when I go out and play at mixed genre events, I want to start playing the dutch bangers I don't want to be playing gas from 2017 I'll find your playlist, because I'm sure it already exists definitely so.
Speaker 4:Do that for me, bro, but yeah, I think there's room for us to include the dutch stuff yeah and then obviously 80, so go. So it just might be like maybe like one set, yeah, so, and then obviously, maybe like a little bit of reggae or dance or whatever, but I think there's a market for it to start off small yeah and then, obviously, if it gains traction and people are buying tickets for it. And we're consistently selling out. Find a bigger venue.
Speaker 2:Yep makes sense.
Speaker 4:I think it's a shout, but obviously right now we're both busy.
Speaker 2:That's the main issue. That keeps to be the issue.
Speaker 4:Yeah, yeah, but it's something to think about. So, guys, yeah, if you think it's a good idea for soca chronicles to start doing soca events in the netherlands, comment, like, share, dm us all that good let us know yeah, let us know how you would want us to facilitate it.
Speaker 4:What would make it a really good event for you? Would you want to see I don't know, maybe a surprise guest there, or would you want certain themes, or whatever? Let us know and we will see if we can make it happen for you, because we love you guys and we just want to make you happy. You know, I hear it but yeah man, sad, sad times For the Netherlands 100%.
Speaker 4:But for sure I'm gonna have to Book me a train To go to the Netherlands and oh yeah, for April, and go to that final, the final one.
Speaker 2:Just for old time's sake, because you know me, I'll be there, I'll definitely be there yeah, for sure, and we're gonna be there Mashing up the place.
Speaker 4:We're going to have to take a nap before bro, Because you know we're getting old. We get tired. Take a nap before we need to go there and mash up the place.
Speaker 2:Leave our mark. I need to lift these trash cans with my knees so I can pick up something and run with it, but don't lift from your back, because that's dangerous for your back when you're over 30.
Speaker 4:I'm telling you, let's not do that, let's not do that. But yeah, man.
Speaker 2:Sounds like a plan Excited.
Speaker 4:Definitely, but I think that is all we have time for this episode.
Speaker 2:You are correct.
Speaker 4:Yeah, Next episode I'm hoping to have an interview, I'm in talks with a few artists, et cetera et cetera. So watch this space, guys. We've not had an interview for a little while. I think it's time so next month.
Speaker 2:I agree, yep I need to make it happen yep, I agree, let's do it yeah, boy let's uh listen one more time to our dear friends, super nitro make sure you check out soca chronicles.
Speaker 5:Tag a friend, tell a friend, share the podcast. Let people know that this exists because it's good for the culture, it's good for the vibe, it's good for the energy, it's educational, it's fun, it's funny, it's bantiful and it's good for you to just know a little bit about the people that's making your music and the people that you're involved with listening to and with that, have a great remainder of the month enjoy guys, be safe if you're on the uber soca cruise.
Speaker 4:Enjoy for us. Have five drinks for us, two and a half drinks each yep enjoy, be safe and we will be back next month bye, bye, you've been listening to the soca chronicles. Chronicles